Friday, December 22, 2006

Xmas is fun

Have been busy but having fun. Being organised with presents this year has meant more time for doing fun things with the kids. We iced some Christmas biscuits - the kids did the ones on the right!! and then I think they were eaten as quickly as they were made.

I've posted a picture of a corkboard that I did for Grandma (check it out Scott) for Christmas. I'm really happy with it. I'm going to put it above her bed in the nursing home and I think she will love it. I've had lots of fun making things this year for Xmas. Next year I might try starting a little earlier though. Last night we had a girl's catch up and gave presents that we had made to each other. It was really fun! It was interesting to see everyone's creative side! As one of my friends said - it feels like Xmas now.

I had to post a photo of C and how she went to the shops yesterday. She woke up and said she wanted to be Rudolph today - as you do. The dress she had on only just covered her undies and she probably should've had some shorts on underneath but that's not what Rudolph wears apparently. LOL! She is just so funny.xoxo