Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Awesome Day

Wow. What an awesome day. Have finally found a place for my Grandma. Went to see a place today and had to decide whether to accept it or not. Said Yes and then cried. I'm not sure whether from relief or uncertainty. Anyway, we move her in on Friday. Went to visit her this afternoon to tell her about the new place and left N with her while I went back to the car to get her some clothes I'd washed and came back in to hear N telling her all about this new place she will be going to. Here I was trying to work out the best way to tell her that she would be going to a nursing home and there was N telling it to her straight. LOL. The innocence of children.

Managed to finish a page today. yeah! Really loved doing this one. Everything came together so easily. Even J appreciated this one. He came and looked at it and then gave me a kiss! That's the kind of recognition that really matters!!!

School holidays are going by too quickly. I feel like I have been so busy that the children haven't really had a break. So tomorrow, am taking them to the beach. I don't know who is more excited, them or me. J is off to Sydney for the day, so there is no need for us to rush home so we can stay all day!! The weather here this time of year is perfect. xoxo