Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I've Been Tagged!!!

Yes, I've been tagged. I didn't even know what that meant until 30mins ago. I need to list 5 weird things about myself or my pet(don't have one - so I guess it will be about me) and then tag and list 5 other people. I don't even know 5 people with their own blog yet so I guess if anyone wants to do this, feel free. Anyway, here are my 5:

1. I am obsessed with closed cupboards. I can't go to sleep if I know there is a cupboard door open somewhere in the house. Even if J goes to the toilet in the middle of the night I will get up after him and close it. What's with that? Book me in with a therapist now!

2. I have a mini big toe nail on my left foot. My toe nail fell off after kicking it on the bed and this small one is growing back. Gross!!

3. Before eating an apple, I twist the stem and keep twisting it until it comes off. Fairly normal I hear you say, until I tell you that as I twist I say the names of the week and whatever day it comes off on that is the day I will have good luck.

4. I love freezing cold milk. I can't take the milk out of the fridge to put on my cereal until the last minute as I think it will get warm in the 30 seconds it takes to fill my bowl with the cereal.

5. I sometimes bake at 3.00 in the morning when the whole house is sound asleep. If I wake during the night and can't get back to sleep, I give myself an hour to fall back and if I can't, I will go down and bake for an hour or so and then I can get back to sleep.

Not sure which one of those is weirdest, and I'm sure to get some strange looks or laughs from people I know who will read this. But if we can't laugh at ourselves then what is fun all about.

Getting late, need to get to bed. xoxo