Friday, October 13, 2006

Love & Marriage

Wanted to do some scrapping tonight but J reminded me we have the wedding tomorrow and I had to make a card. I whipped up a quick one but I'm pretty happy with it's simplicity and I'm loving these colours at the moment. My brother and his wife will be here soon as they are staying for the week-end as it is a cousin's wedding so it should be a fun if not busy week-end. Looking forward to it. The kids are sleeping in our room on the camping mattress so that will be interesting especially when the baby wakes for his morning feed at 4am. My brother and his wife don't have any children yet so this wk/end will either encourage or discourage them depending on how well my three behave.
Visited my Grandma at the nursing home today and was told that she went for a bit of a wander down the street last night at 2am. She managed to get out of her bed and out the locked doors and was heading off to who knows where when they found her. I'm still not used to her being there and it gets me pretty upset everytime I visit her there. She seems like a different person from the Grandma I know. Not that she is upset about being there it's more the state of her mind that is hard to deal with. Keen to see how she goes tonight.
Off to clean my study before guests arrive. xoxo