Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Here are some pics from our day at the beach. We had such a fantastic day. I really need to make sure we do this more frequently. N didn't even stop for lunch until 2pm - first time for everything. Both N and C played so well together. The water looks so flat in these photos yet there was a small wave which the kids thought was huge and they had so much fun "catching" the waves. H was funny. I discovered he doesn't like sand on his feet. He would cry each time I put his feet down. I was the exact same when I was a baby so at least he will grow out of it. Have had a huge week end. I thought it was going to be a quiet one but ended up being bust as. We had a garage sale at G's place which was great fun - still have heaps of stuff to get rid of but at least the big items have gone.
Spent the afternoon shopping today. Always wonderful therapy. Never enough time though. I was buying some shoes and the guy asked if I had any more shopping to do and I asked him what time the shops closed and he said in 30 mins. I had been shopping for 4 hours!! Where does the time go.
Kids back to school this week. Yeah! Although we have been so busy I feel like we need to take a holiday!
Family up from Adelaide on Friday for the week end so really looking forward to that. Should be a fun wk/end as they are staying with us. The kids are very excited! xoxo