Wednesday, November 22, 2006

One of a Kind

This post is dedicated to my beautiful and fascinating daughter. She truly is one of a kind. Last week she was busy pretending to be an angel for baby Jesus, dressing up and dancing and singing her way through every room in the house. This week it's Thomas the Tank Engine. Our dining room table was transformed into a train track while Chloe spent the entire day picking up passengers, fixing broken trains and singing all the old train songs. She has an amazing imagination. I never know if she is going to be "Scruffy" the puppy dog, "Rusty" the pussy cat, "Kayla" her imaginary friend who can do anything or Chloe who only likes "good food mummy". There is never a dull moment with her. I will miss her when she starts heading off to school. Kids have such a fabulous take on life! Really tired and really need to get to bed, when to a stampin'up party last night which was fascinating and really got me thinking so much so I didn't sleep well so I need to play catch up in the sleep department. xoxo