Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Too Busy

A great friend said to me today- are you enjoying the moment? I thought well I would if I wasn't so busy.LOL! My new rule for the rest of the year is to kickback, de-stress and "enjoy the moment"! We can get so caught up in things at this time of year sometimes you just need to sit back and realise that you don't have to go to every function you get invited too, the party will go on whether you are there or not. That's my deep and meaningful for tonight.
I took the children to see Santa yesterday which was fun. N is such a little man and had no fear what so ever, C was a little scared but brave enough to tell him her name. We've always told the children that Santa brings them 1 present so when they told Santa what they wanted and they only mentioned 1 thing, Santa said "Maybe we can work on some more things for Santa to bring you" and he looked at me. I wasn't sure if he was thinking stingee parents or that he was trying to help me by getting them to say some other things they might want. H wasn't scared but wasn't too sure either. I might try and get a photo with Santa next time and see if H will sit there!
Want to go for a run tomorrow morning so off to bed I go. xoxo