Sunday, December 03, 2006

What a Weekend

Life is just so busy. Have been so busy this weekend. Put the christmas tree up on Friday night which was great fun as we let the children decorate it anyway they wanted to (too tired to post photos!) and then we changed it after they went to bed. They had such a ball. Unfortunately, on Saturday, little H got into the tree and pulled it down on top of himself. H was okay as was all the decorations! We redecorated it today and it fell down again. The "trunk" must have been weakened when it fell so we had to put it into a big terracota pot and fill it with bricks. Then we redecorated the tree again! We will have to buy a new one before next year. Must of been the week-end for things to break as our hot water system died as well. Great timing - although it could have been in the middle of winter without hot water!
Took C to a Birthday party at Newmarket swimming pool on Sat afternoon then to a friends dance concert sat night. I then raced Chloe home and went to a farewell Brisbane party for my Dad and his partner as they are moving up the coast. Way too much!
Today was spent putting Christmas lights up on the house outside - very exciting and then the church had a Christmas festival. We actually had a storm just as the children were getting ready to sing so it was moved into the hall. My friend and I were selling glowsticks most of the night which was terrible as there were so many dud ones that kids kept coming back wanting to exchange them. We got a good laugh out of it though!
Am really tired so need to get some sleep. xoxo